La Télé de Lilou
Next level of existence (part 2/2) - Drunvalo Melchizedek (subtitles in korean)
Next level of existence (part 2/2) - Drunvalo Melchizedek (subtitles in korean)
This is Drunvalo’s most advanced workshop to date for students of the Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshop. You must have a Certificate of Completion from an ATIH workshop in your Membership system to qualify for this workshop. If your not an ATIH graduate go here to see the Global ATIH Teachers Schedule and watch Drunvalo’s introduction video.
Discussions to Webcast the Event Live Online are Underway however No Details have be released at this time. Enroll with the School and register for the wait list or Subscribe to the YouTube Video below to receive the details as they are released.